About Us

Allied offers a complete line of quality precision brass and woodwind tools and repair shop supplies designed to help repair technicians achieve quality workmanship and accomplish challenging tasks in a reasonable time.
Allied began to service dealers worldwide with quality repair and restoration services in 1959; we have constantly been striving to complete tasks better. This goal for efficiency led us to experiment with innovative tooling.
Allied's Pledge: Allied will not list for sale any tool or supply item we do not believe in wholeheartedly.
The fact that Allied Music Corporation was involved in repairing and restoring band instruments places us in an enviable position not enjoyed by many other suppliers. Allied management and our employees did long-term field tests that are difficult to duplicate. We have no ambition to become "merchandisers" just for the sake of an increase in sales. We are band instrument repair technicians interested in producing quality repair tools that will do the job most efficiently at the least cost, which benefits all our customers.

We put thought into every tool each time we order it. We analyze its utility and ask ourselves if we can improve it. We acknowledge the suggestions and helpful ideas shared with Allied by many repair technicians. Their assistance and encouragement have been invaluable, and many of the tools shown in our catalog are only available with their cooperation. Allied appreciates repair technicians' willingness to share techniques and ideas and believes our industry is better through collaboration.
Because describing the function of a tool is tough when it's outside your hands, please feel free to order any tool or supply item, even if you are not sure it will work well for you. Remember, we have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If it is not for you, return it in a saleable condition within 30 days and receive full credit. Please let us know if a tool fails or if you have a suggestion for improvement or an idea for a new tool or concept! If we agree and do a production run, you will receive the latest design free of charge!
Allied's work stems from the Getzen family's long history in band instrument manufacturing and repair, click here to learn more about our history and meet the people who make the magic happen.